Workshop I:“Agricultural land use measures for reducing hot-spots in the Lausitz region: adapting to climate change and synergies with local tourism“


24. January 2024
9:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Seestraße 84
01983 Großräschen


Short description:

It is to be expected that climate change will increase summer periods with high temperatures and little precipitation, with effects on the attractiveness of cycle tourism in the region. However, various adaptation measures can be taken. These include, for example, planting trees that provide protection from intense sunlight and planting hedges, which also beautify the landscape and have positive effects on species conservation. Other options include rerouting cycle paths to cooler areas along waterways or through forests, and creating cool rest areas.

At the workshop, the following topics were discussed:

  • Soil management methods for climate change adaption
  • Cultivation of special crops, tree and hedge planting, orchard meadows and/or extension of the crop rotation for climate change adaptation
  • Potentials of a link between local agriculture and cycle tourism.

The speakers and participants agreed that climate change adaption will be a leading topic in agriculture for the next 20 years.

Two further workshops, in which we would like to present and discuss interim results as well as final results, are planned until the end of the project in October 2025.




Project members

Project coordination

The project coordination and the implementation of WP1, WP2, WP4 and WP6 are the responsibility of Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF e.V).

Project partner

The Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg.  BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg undertakes the economic analysis of land use options (WP3) integration of stakeholders from the tourism sector (WP5).

Software development

hyperworx Medienproduktionen develops an app for the dissemination of project recommendations in Lausitz.

The research project LIL-KliBioTo is realised within the framework of LIL Land-Innovation-Lausitz